Source code for nti.transactions.interfaces

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Interfaces for nti.transactions.


from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division

from zope.interface import Interface
from zope.interface import Attribute
from zope.interface import implementer

from transaction.interfaces import TransactionError
from transaction.interfaces import ITransaction

# pylint:disable=no-method-argument,inherit-non-class
# Sigh. The Python 2 version of pylint raises this.
# pylint:disable=too-many-ancestors

[docs]class IExtendedTransaction(ITransaction): """Extensions to the transaction api.""" def nti_commit(): """ Like ``commit``, but produces a :obj:`perfmetrics.Metric` ``transaction.commit`` metric. """ def nti_abort(): """ Like ``abort``, but produces a :obj:`perfmetrics.Metric` ``transaction.abort`` metric. """
[docs]class CommitFailedError(TransactionError): """ Committing the active transaction failed for an unknown and unexpected reason. This is raised instead of raising very generic system exceptions such as TypeError. """
[docs]class AbortFailedError(TransactionError): """ Aborting the active transaction failed for an unknown and unexpected reason. This is raised instead of raising very generic system exceptions such as ValueError and AttributeError. """
[docs]class TransactionLifecycleError(TransactionError): """ Raised when an application commits or aborts a transaction while the transaction controller believes it is in control. *Applications must not raise this exception.* This may have happened many times; we cannot detect that. This is a programming error. """
[docs]class ForeignTransactionError(TransactionLifecycleError): """ Raised when a transaction manager has its transaction changed while a controlling transaction loop believes it is in control. The handler first aborted or committed the transaction, and then began a new one. Possibly many times. A kind of `TransactionLifecycleError`. *Applications must not raise this exception.* This is a programming error. """
[docs]class ILoopInvocation(Interface): """ Description of why a loop was invoked. """ handler = Attribute("The handler to run.") loop = Attribute("The loop doing the running.") args = Attribute("The arguments passed to the handler") kwargs = Attribute("The keyword arguments passed to the handler.")
[docs]class ILoopEvent(Interface): """ Base class for event loop events. The *handler_args* and *handler_kwargs* should not be mutated in place or assigned to. These are a convenience for accessing the attributes of the *invocation* attribute. .. versionchanged:: 4.2.0 Add the *handler_args* and *handler_kwargs*. """ invocation = Attribute("An ILoopInvocation.") handler_args = Attribute("The positional arguments for the handler, or ()") handler_kwargs = Attribute("The keyword arguments for the handler, or {}")
[docs]class IAfterTransactionBegan(ILoopEvent): """ A new transaction has begun. """ tx = Attribute("The transaction.")
[docs]class IWillAttemptTransaction(ILoopEvent): """ Base class for attempt events. """ tx = Attribute("The transaction.") attempt_number = Attribute("The number of the attempt. Starts at 0.")
# We get this in Python 2 # pylint:disable=too-many-ancestors
[docs]class IWillFirstAttempt(IWillAttemptTransaction): """ The first attempt. """
[docs]class IWillRetryAttempt(IWillAttemptTransaction): """ A retry attempt. """
[docs]class IWillLastAttempt(IWillRetryAttempt): """ The final retry. """
[docs]class IWillSleepBetweenAttempts(ILoopEvent): """ Will sleep between attempts. If the ``sleep_time`` attribute is modified, that will be the time slept. """ sleep_time = Attribute("The time to sleep.")
[docs]class IWillFirstAttemptWithRequest(IWillFirstAttempt): """ The first attempt, but with a request object. .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 """ request = Attribute("The request object that will be used.")
[docs]class IWillRetryAttemptWithRequest(IWillRetryAttempt): """ A retry attempt with a request object. .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 """ request = Attribute("The request object that will be used.")
[docs]class IWillLastAttemptWithRequest(IWillLastAttempt): """ The final retry with a request object. .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 """ request = Attribute("The request object that will be used.")
@implementer(ILoopInvocation) class LoopInvocation(object): __slots__ = ('loop', 'handler', 'args', 'kwargs') def __init__(self, loop, handler, args, kwargs): self.loop = loop self.handler = handler self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs @implementer(ILoopEvent) class LoopEvent(object): __slots__ = ('invocation',) def __init__(self, invocation): self.invocation = invocation @property def handler_args(self): return self.invocation.args @property def handler_kwargs(self): return self.invocation.kwargs @implementer(IAfterTransactionBegan) class AfterTransactionBegan(LoopEvent): __slots__ = ('tx',) def __init__(self, invocation, tx): LoopEvent.__init__(self, invocation) self.tx = tx @implementer(IWillAttemptTransaction) class WillAttemptTransaction(LoopEvent): __slots__ = ('tx', 'attempt_number') def __init__(self, invocation, tx, attempt_number): LoopEvent.__init__(self, invocation) self.tx = tx self.attempt_number = attempt_number @implementer(IWillFirstAttempt) class WillFirstAttempt(WillAttemptTransaction): __slots__ = () @implementer(IWillRetryAttempt) class WillRetryAttempt(WillAttemptTransaction): __slots__ = () @implementer(IWillLastAttempt) class WillLastAttempt(WillRetryAttempt): __slots__ = () @implementer(IWillSleepBetweenAttempts) class WillSleepBetweenAttempts(LoopEvent): __slots__ = ('sleep_time',) def __init__(self, invocation, sleep_time): LoopEvent.__init__(self, invocation) self.sleep_time = sleep_time class _RequestMixin(object): @property def request(self): return self.handler_args[0] @implementer(IWillFirstAttemptWithRequest) class WillFirstAttemptWithRequest(WillFirstAttempt, _RequestMixin): __slots__ = () @implementer(IWillRetryAttemptWithRequest) class WillRetryAttemptWithRequest(WillRetryAttempt, _RequestMixin): __slots__ = () @implementer(IWillLastAttemptWithRequest) class WillLastAttemptWithRequest(WillLastAttempt, _RequestMixin): __slots__ = ()